A ghost of christmas past

Save your soul
embrace the untaught
thought you thought
was yours
find the time
behind your time
don’t calculate
too late
go on discover
unseen seas
with sea bees
weaving soft fleece
in Greece
eat cheese
find peace
in a tale of terror
pain will maim
without an aim
all that is yours
all that was mine
in untold stories
unfolding into
multiple dimensions
which you never thought
were there
you’ll always see a curtain
never get to see the show
never see the actors
breathe the air
you give to them
they laugh at you
they play
dirty tricks on you
you jump up
you jump down
bow down to
the unholy throne
of the human mind machine
thought bender
you surrender
without rebellion
suckered up
into the empty
space so dense
sometimes you think
you feel it
with all that’s left of wasted
senses sacrificed
to the machine
they can see you


right here
they smile at you
from the other side
of the screen
where you have
never been
what you have never
and never will
until they come
get you

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