Website cleanup

Well, noticed anything NEW on my site? I guessed so…

When christmas time was on high tide I decided to update my WordPress version. Bad idea. Never change a running system. But of course against better knowledge I did it…and failed. Leaving my site in pretty bad shape up till now. I went to a Skins Outlet unlimited and got myself a nice and fresh looking wordpress theme. But there are also some other things I would like to draw your attention to:

    1. On top of the page just underneath the page logo image you will always finde „HOME“ and „ABOUT“. Click on home to get back to the general weblog page. Click on „about“ if you want to knwo a little more about me. For our German lawyers out there: „Dis Is Mai Impressum!“
    On your right hand side you will find „Communicate“. There you will see three options.
    a) „Leave me a voice mail“ – you will need SKYPE installed for this to work. Oh yeah, a microphone would also come in handy…
    b) „Call me on Skype“ is quite self explanatory, right? And YES, you will need a microphone for this as well.
    c) „SMS to Catweasel“ is the old standard. You will not have to pay to write me an instant SMS on my mobile phone. Just click and write. No strings attached.
    „Must-Read“ has some of my own personal favourites on the web. This is not just for you, but also for me. While on the road I have the most important bookmarks with me – always. But please check them out. These are real quality links. If you own one of these links feel free to place a back-link.
    If you scroll down a little you will see „Meta“ on the right side menue. Just below „Meta“ you can see my Skype-Webphone status. If you have Skype installed, just click on the icon to give me a call. I would be happy to hear from you!

Well, that’s about all there is to my little relaunch of I am proud to have my blog running for almost 2 years now. It’s always a blast to come here and get in contact with opinions, strange things that might have happened to me or someone else or just plain nonsense. In any way, I hope you enjoyed your stay each time you ended up on the bytewriter.

Take care!

Weasel Out…

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